Woodlands Wellbeing & Resilience retreats for men.

Retreat #7: Reflect, Restore and Return to a Better You.

Join us to pause, reflect, review and renew, and be taken on a carefully crafted journey of experiences, that aim to nurture and deepen connection to self, community, and nature.

📍 Shining Cliff Woods, Derbyshire 🌳

#5 FRI 5th May 6pm - SUN 7th May 2023 (Fully booked)

#6 Fri 31st May 6pm - Sun 2nd June 6pm
(Full, waiting list open)

#7 Fri 18th Oct 6pm - Sun 20th Oct 6pm

Our first 6 retreats was fully booked, don't miss out and fill in a short expression of interest form below. 👇

Space to explore radical

 Experiential learning sessions

Evidenced based theory and practice.

Small Group

What will we explore?

Strategies to step into and connect with our deepest values and purpose.

Mind over mood, silencing the inner critic. The pillars of resilience.  

Mindset and the tools to step into your power as man in the modern world whilst being aware of the 'shadow' side of masculinity.

The connection between authenticity and vulnerability.

Tools and strategies on how can we connect to nature. Try out forest bathing and different mindfulness activities.

"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."
Abraham Maslow

Are you cultivating resilience? Are you using the right tools for the job?

With authentic men's spaces so rare in a culture that puts great pressure on men to conform to certain ways of being, Cultivating Resilience Retreats will offer a chance to pause, reflect, review and renew,

and be taken on a carefully crafted journey of experiences, that aim to nurture and deepen connection to self, community, and nature. 


Resilience comes from the Latin word "resilio", to jump back, and describes the ability to bend instead of breaking when facing life's challenges.

We all have ups and downs, and we can’t predict or control what life throws at us In a World that is increasing in “VUCA” Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.

However, we can build a range of skills and take action that can help us respond more flexibly to those challenges

How much does it cost?

The first CRR was funded, we’re running a pay-it-forward system as a gift to other men in the future – enabling them to experience the retreat without monetary barriers and to make CRR self-funded. The n ext retreat could only happen due to the generosity of the men from the previous retreat.
We’re bringing together expertise from different disciplines to curate a transformative weekend experience, and we want to make it accessible to men who may not have the means. Retreats are usually elitist and can only be afforded by those in the know or who have the means to access, so we want to break down those barriers.

Your contributions will help to continue this chain of generosity.

The suggested contributions so we cover cost is £300.
If this is a barrier for you to attend, do let us know as we want to make it accessible.


This retreat takes place among woods and wildflower meadows in a 100 acres woodlands, choose either indoor shared accommodation or camping. 

Most of the sessions will run outdoors to make the most of our time in nature with access to woodland huts for alternatives and break out sessions.


Our Team

David Hitchmough

Therapist and Coach

David is a therapist and coach with lived experience. Msc in Drug use and dependancy, 20 years experience in drug and alcohol services. Dave supports men to break out of their old patterns that’s not serving them anymore and create more authenticity in the world. He is registered with National Council of Phychotherapists.

Joe Aston

Leadership & Team Coach, Design Partner at TPC Leadership

Joe supports aspiring 'changemakers' to transform their relationships with themselves and others, maximise commitment to what really matters to them, and develop the resilience needed for courageous action. Joe has over 12 years' experience supporting senior executives in global organizations to transform their organizations to pursue a higher purpose, and create thriving cultures. Joe is accredited as a coach by the ICF & EMCC. 

Angga kara

Executive Coach at BetterUP (California) and founder of MEN UP NORTH

Angga is a leadership coach accredited by the EMCC & TEDx Speaker. He is also a Fellow Coach at BetterUP in California with Martin Seligman (Founder of Positive Psychology) on the science board. Angga founded MEN UP NORTH in 2017 and through experiential learning and constant feedback developed ‘safe space conversation’ methodology that guarantees to get men who are strangers to be open and vulnerable within the 2 hours session.

Khairul Yussoff

Head Chef at GB Satays

Khairul or Chef K2 have a love for cooking that's been cultivated since a young age.
He learned the recipes from his grandma in Malaysia.
Through his catering business he brings authentic Malaysian streetfood to the U.K. Expect your taste buds to be tingled!


Video team

Sam is a Visual Creator and dancer based in Sheffield. With a degree in Media Productions and a qualification in Mental Health First Aid, Sam aims to produce content helping to support and inspire others along their own journeys.

Cultivating Resilience Retreats

The flow of the weekend


Arriving and either set up camp or unpack in our accomodation in the woods

Introductions & co-creating the space we are all sharing for the weekend.

Authentic Malaysian street-food and fire circle conversations

'Being with & Letting Go'

Starting the day with activities to wake up the body, voice and mind

Exploring and recognising our personal dependencies, coping mechanisms and habits.

Exploring different evidenced based methodologies that's being used all over the world.

Practical mindfulness in nature

Exploration of fear and how it can hold us back.

How can we develop a better awareness to these topics? How can we release what is holding us back?

The evening is rounded off with fireside feast fusing Argentinian way of roasting with Malaysian flavours. 
Chef K is preparing something spectacular for us.


Starting the day with activities to wake up the body, voice and mind

Explore what's truly important in this chapter of your life. How can we live in congruence with it?

Explore the connections between authenticity, vulnerability and the private life.

Practical mindfulness in nature

Experiential method of setting goals which involves the whole body. 

As practicing leadership is important to us, here you will be able to share your gifts with the group.

Tieing all together, closing the weekend with a circle. Celebrating the learnings, insights and a sense of re-invigoration ready for the world again.

Join to give yourself the gift of time to explore what's really important to you in this chapter of your life.

Brought to you by MEN UP NORTH

Since 2017, as a charity we've been on a mission to:
* Normalise honest conversations on male mental health & masculinity.
* Explore masculinity and what it means to be a man in the modern world.
* Provide safe spaces to facilitate conversation with confidentiality & respect.
* To be accessible to males, regardless of background, age or heritage.

Check out our website on www.MENUPNORTH.co.uk

Join our diverse community of 100+ men from 14+ different heritage backgrounds.